If you dislike someone, it doesn't mean that they should change. It doesn't mean, that you have the right to expect them to change either. All it means is that you may hope they change. You cannot demand it. Love2hateU is a new TV show on star world, where, a celebrity gets to meet with his anti-fan(Someone who obsessively hates the celeb) . What it manages to do, is make the anti-fan look like a spiteful lil ass-face, who doesn't have much better to do in life than sit around and pass judgement and criticism while at the same-time not having achieved half as much themselves. When I write a bad review for the Dirty Picture, I understand, and hopefully so does the reader, that, that is my personal opinion. That just because I didn't like it does not imply that its existence is unwarranted( Even when I may say that). And quite blatantly put, my single personal opinion doesn't count. A viewer's opinion is important alright, but only in the masses. It is stupi...
Weirdness lies within ... And so do all the internal organs ... But the real question is,
is that statement of any consequence?