Hello there. Its been quite sometime now since a proper post. I wonder if I even remember how its done. Now that would be tough if only there was anything to it right? Technically, "asdjhqowie" would qualify as a post. Not an interesting one, or even comprehensible for that matter.. or any adjective other than rubbish, crap or WTF?!? (which isn't really an adjective, but it still describes stuff I suppose, so lets ignore that for now.) [**pssst - I conveniently left out the implications the word 'proper' may have had.] But well, whatever. So anyway, I just gave my IIT paper yesterday. Before the 1st paper, I was awesomely relaxed, cool and positive, which was a bit mad at a level, cuz I'd so totally ruined my life for Mr.Judgement Day here, and the least I could do was feel apprehensive and tensed, and NO, it wasn't the confidence in my preparation. It was more of that strange peace n disattachment I seem to feel when strong emotions are required. And t...
Weirdness lies within ... And so do all the internal organs ... But the real question is,
is that statement of any consequence?
[Captcha: mating. Hahaha]
Its a fail post dude. :P
Cuz its still kinda mathematically flawed.
If the graph is correct, the scale of the no. of meets and the length of relationship should be different. In which case the statement below is false.
[ps - what was in the square brackets?]
I just say the guy must be gay/impotent/mentally deranged and move on in life. Works every time.
You must be great with long-distance relationships then! :)
haha wow. I sound lame right about now.