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Bros over woes.

Recently, I met a couple of my guy friends. The highlight of the meeting, was one of the guys who'd recently started dating a girl, and the big deal was, that it was the dating-your-best friend-life-connect-kinda-deal.

You see, most people, who're in a relationship don't realize if its real or not.

I mean, to be able to judge, you have to have had experiences, and thus be able to compare. Many people settle for a partner, simply cuz they don't know any better. They don't know how great, truly-great-connect worthy of a relationship really is. And you can't know it, till you have it yourself. Most of the time, most people convince themselves.

But with the real deal you don't need to. You just know. No matter what anyone else may think/believe. Truly speaking, its really inexplicable. All you can actually say is, you *know* when it happens.

So Guy1 had found the real amazing connect kinda girl.
Guy2, was the kind that girls wanted for a friend. And he somehow ended up being the really conscious and super sweet buddy etc around them. The kind who'd listen to a girl's stupid long rant to comfort her.
I have little patience with such stuff. I tell people, a conclusion and solution to the problem. If after that they still continue down their path of irrational and obsessive behaviour, I conclude, that further attempt is inconclusive, and don't bother. Its still better now than what it used to be.

As it turns out,
Guy1, came with his story.
Guy2 came with a big hickey/love byte on his neck.
we talked about Guy3 (member of our group) and his incredibly mature thing with his girl.
and I came with a meeting plan(too soon to call it a date) with a gorgeous dancer girl (which I didn't find worth mentioning in front of said lifetime-connect-girlfriend-Guy1 and hickey-ridden-girlfriendless-lucky-bastard-Guy2. [Good thing too, since later that day it was called off.])

In retrospect, they seem like lives out of a movie/soap.

I know its stupid to be surprised, we've been through things which were wayyy more interesting as well as outrageous than that.

But man, we've grown.

PS- Bhangarh was a beautifully quiet place. We had whiskey shots there, cuz people had warned us not to. We're cool like that. Although, we did go at 3:30pm in the day. But then in my defence, staying after 7 was prohibited by the law, and our train was later that night itself.



Espèra said…
No ghosts? :O
Sam said…
None, that reached out to us. :P

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