You've seen me nice
You've seen my nice
But you pushed too hard
Now see my vice,
Bitch see my knife
All covered in ice
All ready to come
Take away your life
My light is white
My dark is black
Won't make up for the things you lack
Bitch no more slack
I'm done with that
I would've let pass the 8 chances you had
But you came back
Sayin you love me
That we were meant together to be
And stupid me
cuz I believed
In your sweet words
And sincerity
But look at me
Look in my eyes
As I put my dagger through your life
and your eyes stay shut
expecting steel cut
And I advance to induce fear
Then, just don't care to come any near.
You've seen my nice
But you pushed too hard
Now see my vice,
Bitch see my knife
All covered in ice
All ready to come
Take away your life
My light is white
My dark is black
Won't make up for the things you lack
Bitch no more slack
I'm done with that
I would've let pass the 8 chances you had
But you came back
Sayin you love me
That we were meant together to be
And stupid me
cuz I believed
In your sweet words
And sincerity
But look at me
Look in my eyes
As I put my dagger through your life
and your eyes stay shut
expecting steel cut
And I advance to induce fear
Then, just don't care to come any near.