Sometimes I wear a façade
Or I think I do
But I'm not certain
Cuz believe me you
If its even there
I've worn it forever
And over time, it became me.
Enmeshed, not allowing me to see
the two entities apart.
But maybe thats the beauty
Maybe thats the art,
Maybe the two entities are no longer apart
Now, I call them modes of operation.
I'm comfortable in both.
One is simple, pure, naive, patient.
He feels from the heart,
The other's far more wise
He's been there from the start
Comprehending, rational, guiding
and then I realise there are still more.
The flirt, the comic,
the lover, platonic
But the one I like lives above them all,
He controls, protects, understands each one.
And right now, he's at work healing the one
that is simple, pure, naive, patient
Cuz he's just been hurt.
But, my mind still sees elation.
Cuz its not a façade thats on display.
I am many, occupying one space.
The flirt, the comic
the lover platonic.
Enough of me is always there,
and so my spirit never breaks.
I think you know why I really like this one :D
Really articulate, btw.
And, because, you know what caused it to be written?