16th Sept 09.
So is it just me or do other ppl also walk around thinkin in a talkin to urself manner? Like this question i posed, I had already thought to myself while washing my hands(had gone to pee. ok y u lookin at me like i'm a weirdo for sayin that? I mean EVERYONE pees. Except for those on dialysis, but they don't have a choice. Given a choice, they'd rather pee anyday. U could ask them if u don't believe me. Besides look at the good side. I do wash my hands. :D) Ugh. My apologies. (recall what bracketts are for) So anyway comin back to that question. Wait. Nah. Too boring. I haven't told u guys much bout the institute I'm studyin in n all na?
Wel, Its name is Bansal Classes. The story goes, that once upon a time, 3 guys left their jobs in chemical industries in Kota, cuz the company was dyin anyway, n those chemicals were fatal too, n they didn't really want to be around so much death, cuz if they had they'd have been pathologists. ( I couldn remember this word, so i called up my 1.5 month old ex *i.e we broke up bout a month n a half back. Jus incase u were wonderin. Weird stuff happens in the world u know.* n asked the word. She btw has a great vocab. Oh n i'm like cool to jus be able to do that. ) So neway these guys taught a few kids science n they made it to IIT, n each one claimed that their prowess at teaching their subject did that, so they all parted ways n opened their own institutes. The chem guy opened 'Resonance' ( I would love to go the math guy opened bracketts, n the physics guy started electricity, but that wouldn be true.) V.K Bansal, the founder was the maths guy. Therefore I scored -3 marks in math. Out of 200. 200. Two hundred. -3 out of 200.
The teachers are accomplished no doubt. The physics H.O.D (head of dept) of this institute recently launched a book with Resnik Halliday Walker (very renowned physicists), and V.K. Bansal is the best teacher for permutations n combinations in the whole of asia. But from what the kids tell me, he abuses. In hindi. In class. To students. Like oh how the HECK can he say that * n eyes fall out* type abuses. But its an entire, different rules in different societies type concept. You won't get it if u haven't lived ur life atleast very close to this side of the world, if not inside it. Like here, the authorities treat the kids fairly like crap, cuz they realise who needs who more. N most of the students come from less than average backgrounds. So its like their only path to a better life, so they pretty much take the trash lyin low. N if they do taste success, they are very thankful to the institute n all. Besides those are just words. These guys have seen a lot worse. Worse than most of us realise. But wel, life's like that.
Neway, my address has the letter 'na' n my colony is vigyan nagar. N i ride a bicycle to the classes. I'd probably have preferred to be caught dead than on a cycle in Delhi. But wel, life's like that. (Y duz it sound familiar? I gues some great man must have said it before me. ) *Yes. I know. That last sentence was a lie. Boo hoo.*
Ps- I scored 115 in Physics btw. :P
PPS- None of the teachers i mentioned teach me. Althought I'm not sure how i'd react if I were the subject of their trash! Lets hope we don't find out, cuz I have a feelin, It'd end in me leavin this place.
In Symbi, all the professors abuse in class ( my friend tells me) and if you go complain to the Dean, he tells them they deserve it.
Life's like that! Ta la la la la...
And they did like mother sister type abuses, the cheap to women kinda things. Plus i was fresh out of school, so was used to the cleaner world. :P or atleast the cleaner perception of the world.
You're cool btw. :D
Is this where I'm supposed to say you're hot? :P