Heylo. So I am kinda not sure if i'm feelin sarcastic enough to do a blog post but I'm gonna give it a try.
I realised I haven't enlightened you about the trafficrules guidelines here. Now I know, hailing from Delhi, I dun exactly have the right to be commentin about the traffic here. But incase u didn notice, I did not create that traffic right? I'm not responsible for it. N some of what I'm about to say may even (or may not - I'm not sure which, cuz wel, I'm not sure bout what I'm gonna say. I make it up as I go along. Its my favourite kind. I've already told ya I'm not a planner remember?) apply to Delhi (isn it like buggin when there is so much stuff in the bracketts that you forget what the real issue was?)
So yea. We were talkin bout the traffic guidelines. A red light implies, that if u really dun mind stoppin, please do? I mean I know the long road ahead, the roar(or coughin pretty often) of your engine n the black fume sputterin vehicle you're sittin on are all are very temptingly beseechin you to not let somethin so small like the shade of a light hold u back. But incase you're not actually in a hurry, consider stoppin?
The green n the yellow lights are jus there to make it look more pretty and colourful.
The only traffic rule that applies is 2 entities may at all times be separated in space and/or time.
Unfortunately, thats a law of physics. A physical constraint. Needless to say it would have been flouted had it not been for the tiny hurdle of the fact that its impossible to flout. Infact, there were those who tried gettin around that hurdle. That led to the discovery of a phenomenon popularly known as collision, which either damaged somethin they owned, or jus hurt a lot. In either case, they realised, it wasn a hurdle, it was a big wall. You can't go around it, you can't jump over it. You just can't. Everyone is really disappointed by that revelation i think. Even in Delhi.
The divider on the road is a piece of art. It divides the road into 2, n we all know, 2 is more than 1. So it must be cooler. Of course uni-directional traffic is a fictitious term, coined by ppl, who didn understand the laws of physics wel enough. The law that everyone does love is Any space empty at an instant of time maybe occupied by an object whose volume is less than or equal to the volume of that space at that instant of time.
So basically, all of that can be condensed into 'drive so u dun damage stuff'. Ofcourse in the event of an actual collision, the guidelines will suddenly transform into laws, and support the thesis that the driver citin those laws is a follower of those laws. He will point out that the lane u were drivin in was incorrect. And he won't be talkin bout the right side of the divider. He'll be talkin bout keepin to your left while takin a right turn.
Delhi may not be as bad, but it comes close behind.
Yet I can't wait to drive. That must make me stupid.
PS- Did I tell you bout the time I asked a girl if there was a class scheduled for the next day? There was a sharp intake of breath(quite audibly) in which moment she came to terms wid the fact that a member of the male species(believed to hail from mars) had made direct contact with her. She hurriedly spoke a 'no idea', so as to not have to communicate wid the alien any further.
PPS- The guy servin me food didn know what a cold drink or thums up is. I kinda felt bad really. :S
PPPS- Oh, n i got a new reader. Givin out larger complements. Tasty. :P
PPPPS- I need to know when to stop the P's.
I realised I haven't enlightened you about the traffic
So yea. We were talkin bout the traffic guidelines. A red light implies, that if u really dun mind stoppin, please do? I mean I know the long road ahead, the roar(or coughin pretty often) of your engine n the black fume sputterin vehicle you're sittin on are all are very temptingly beseechin you to not let somethin so small like the shade of a light hold u back. But incase you're not actually in a hurry, consider stoppin?
The green n the yellow lights are jus there to make it look more pretty and colourful.
The only traffic rule that applies is 2 entities may at all times be separated in space and/or time.
Unfortunately, thats a law of physics. A physical constraint. Needless to say it would have been flouted had it not been for the tiny hurdle of the fact that its impossible to flout. Infact, there were those who tried gettin around that hurdle. That led to the discovery of a phenomenon popularly known as collision, which either damaged somethin they owned, or jus hurt a lot. In either case, they realised, it wasn a hurdle, it was a big wall. You can't go around it, you can't jump over it. You just can't. Everyone is really disappointed by that revelation i think. Even in Delhi.
The divider on the road is a piece of art. It divides the road into 2, n we all know, 2 is more than 1. So it must be cooler. Of course uni-directional traffic is a fictitious term, coined by ppl, who didn understand the laws of physics wel enough. The law that everyone does love is Any space empty at an instant of time maybe occupied by an object whose volume is less than or equal to the volume of that space at that instant of time.
So basically, all of that can be condensed into 'drive so u dun damage stuff'. Ofcourse in the event of an actual collision, the guidelines will suddenly transform into laws, and support the thesis that the driver citin those laws is a follower of those laws. He will point out that the lane u were drivin in was incorrect. And he won't be talkin bout the right side of the divider. He'll be talkin bout keepin to your left while takin a right turn.
Delhi may not be as bad, but it comes close behind.
Yet I can't wait to drive. That must make me stupid.
PS- Did I tell you bout the time I asked a girl if there was a class scheduled for the next day? There was a sharp intake of breath(quite audibly) in which moment she came to terms wid the fact that a member of the male species(believed to hail from mars) had made direct contact with her. She hurriedly spoke a 'no idea', so as to not have to communicate wid the alien any further.
PPS- The guy servin me food didn know what a cold drink or thums up is. I kinda felt bad really. :S
PPPS- Oh, n i got a new reader. Givin out larger complements. Tasty. :P
PPPPS- I need to know when to stop the P's.
Lol at the first PS.
:O at the second :P So what did he call cold drinks?