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Look Deep

So, I am a big fan of Gandhi.

Well, no.

I believe, that there are somethings in the world that are too sacred for us meager humans to pass judgement on. I believe, that you'll have the right to judge Gandhi, when you are capable of sacrificing yourself for a cause to that extent. I believe that most of those who even HAD the right to judge Gandhi, have already died fighting to save this country.

I am a big fan of Bhagat Singh as well. And Chandrashekhar Azad. And Sardar Patel.

What infuriates me however, is when people like to target Gandhi, because they think they have an opinion, when in all actuality, they're doing it, cuz he was raised to God status, and they wanna point out he's not.

Well, I don't care, if the media finds that Gandhi loved to prance around in a mini skirt and make up in a mirror when people weren't looking, because you know what, it doesn't matter. If you didn't agree with a few opinions of his, I don't mind that. But if you undermine the deed of being able to get rid of one of the world's most powerful nations without raising a gun, and by your own convictions of truth and non-violence, I challenge you to do anything a quarter as willful or strong.

In a world of a frivolous media, that sensationalizes anything and everything for TRPs, we have become the same. In fact, that's where the media draws it's strength from. The lack of a face.

Anyway, before you open your mouth to pass judgment on the likes of Gandhi, Bhagat Singh or even for that matter Anna Hazare, think a little.

I don't worship Anna Hazare, not yet anyway, but I respect him. So the next time, before speaking, ask yourself, would you be able to fast for a cause for 14 days at a stretch, right now much less when you're 79? If not, keep mum.


fivefeetsmall said…
Aye Sam write one of you're crazy blogposts with a funny pie chart or stick figures, na! :D
Sam said…
I like you.

I'll try. :P
Unknown said…
man! i was just about to say all of that.
Unknown said…
NICE.i was just about to say all of that.

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