Hello there. Its been quite sometime now since a proper post. I wonder if I even remember how its done. Now that would be tough if only there was anything to it right? Technically, "asdjhqowie" would qualify as a post. Not an interesting one, or even comprehensible for that matter.. or any adjective other than rubbish, crap or WTF?!? (which isn't really an adjective, but it still describes stuff I suppose, so lets ignore that for now.) [**pssst - I conveniently left out the implications the word 'proper' may have had.] But well, whatever. So anyway, I just gave my IIT paper yesterday. Before the 1st paper, I was awesomely relaxed, cool and positive, which was a bit mad at a level, cuz I'd so totally ruined my life for Mr.Judgement Day here, and the least I could do was feel apprehensive and tensed, and NO, it wasn't the confidence in my preparation. It was more of that strange peace n disattachment I seem to feel when strong emotions are required. And t...
Thats a thumbs up na?
floating is nice :)