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Showing posts from March, 2011


"Why didn't you let me fight it?" (the boggart), said Harry abruptly. Lupin raised his eyebrows. "I would have thought that was obvious, Harry" he said, sounding surprised. Harry, who had expected Lupin to deny that he'd done any such thing, was taken aback. "Why?" he asked again. "Well," said Lupin, frowning slightly, "I assumed that if the boggart faced you, it would assume the shape of Lord Voldemort." Harry stared. Not only was this the last answer he'd expected, but Lupin had said Voldemort's name. The only person Harry had ever heard say the name aloud (apart from himself) was Professor Dumbledore. "Clearly, I was wrong," said Lupin, still frowning at Harry. "But I didn't think it a good idea for Lord Voldemort to materialize in the staffroom. I imagined that people would panic." "I didn't think of Voldemort, " said Harry honestly. "I - I remembered those dementors." ...

Delhi Metro

As seen by me.


Haha! :P

Random Thoughts.

When we're young, our assessment of ourselves is, a large part, what others say or think about us. As a consequence of that, we place ourselves at a certain height say x on a measuring scale. That is, we're in mid-air, of an assessment, the basis of which we're not clear about. And without understanding the functioning, and taking a reference level at x, we start to assess further. I think, its important to go all the way down to zero, and build from scratch. Its the only way you know how firmly you're grounded, and its the only way you really appreciate whatever height you reach. I think, its okay to hate yourself a bit for some time sometimes. Thats how you start building better. I have.


Sometimes I wear a fa çade Or I think I do But I'm not certain Cuz believe me you If its even there I've worn it forever And over time, it became me. Enmeshed, not allowing me to see the two entities apart. But maybe thats the beauty Maybe thats the art, Maybe the two entities are no longer apart Now, I call them modes of operation. I'm comfortable in both. One is simple, pure, naive, patient. He feels from the heart, The other's far more wise He's been there from the start Comprehending, rational, guiding and then I realise there are still more. The flirt, the comic, the lover, platonic But the one I like lives above them all, He controls, protects, understands each one. And right now, he's at work healing the one that is simple, pure, naive, patient Cuz he's just been hurt. But, my mind still sees elation. Cuz its not a fa çade thats on display. I am many, occupying one space. The flirt, the comic the lover platonic. Enough of me is always there, and so ...