Heylo. So I am kinda not sure if i'm feelin sarcastic enough to do a blog post but I'm gonna give it a try. I realised I haven't enlightened you about the traffic rules guidelines here. Now I know, hailing from Delhi, I dun exactly have the right to be commentin about the traffic here. But incase u didn notice, I did not create that traffic right? I'm not responsible for it. N some of what I'm about to say may even (or may not - I'm not sure which, cuz wel, I'm not sure bout what I'm gonna say. I make it up as I go along. Its my favourite kind. I've already told ya I'm not a planner remember?) apply to Delhi (isn it like buggin when there is so much stuff in the bracketts that you forget what the real issue was?) So yea. We were talkin bout the traffic guidelines . A red light implies, that if u really dun mind stoppin, please do? I mean I know the long road ahead, the roar(or coughin pretty often) of your engine n the black fume sputterin ve...
Weirdness lies within ... And so do all the internal organs ... But the real question is,
is that statement of any consequence?