So I am stupid. Stupid as they come. I don't like people either. Cuz the other day, I randomly donated a hundred bucks to these young sardars, who were clearly out to dupe people, and were probably not collecting money for any charity as they claimed. WHY would I do something THAT stupid, that even a new born child in Delhi would probably know better than to do? I have no clue. But what was more annoying was probably, that the second sardar, who saw me being duped that easy, decided to try out his duping skills too. Cuz he started talking about Astrology, and face reading. I'm a cynic of the highest order, and it takes a believer to buy their bullshit. But, anyway, he made all those general statements that apply to practically the entire world's psyche, like "You over think stuff, and get entangled in that. Everything you've gotten so far in the world is your own hard work, not fate. You aim for the everest, and barely make it out your house. You are blunt a...
Weirdness lies within ... And so do all the internal organs ... But the real question is,
is that statement of any consequence?