27th July, 09 Monday/ bout 5 o' clock. Yes, this one has been an overdue post. So here i am. Back to talk to myself on the internet. (But its fun pretendin that a 'you' exists) and to avoid bein diagnoesed with O.C.D ( Obsessive obsessive compulsive compulsive disorder disorder :P) my next post is not gonna be about Kota. :O eh? Another time. Right now, i'm on the terrace, enjoying an absolutely absolutely blissful breeze, the newspaper in my hand is flutterin every now, n then and the sky stretches all over my head. And page no. 8 of today's newspaper talks bout how most tourists comin to India are from US. It doesn take a genius to figure what i'm likely to talk bout from here on duz it? So one thing that i just find incredibly buggin, is the obsession of the media over the US. Like u know, its funny how after 9/11, every terrorist attack on India is deemed India's 9/11? Notwithstanding the fact that we have dealt with them a lot more, been affected a lot ...
Weirdness lies within ... And so do all the internal organs ... But the real question is,
is that statement of any consequence?